MASKING UPDATE! 03/04/2022
Effective Immediately WACOSA is no longer requiring staff, volunteers, or clients to wear face masks, per CDC and MDH Masking guidelines. Individuals may choose to continue masking as well. PLEASE NOTE: We are still required to wear masks during transportation (i.e. Tri-Cap, MetroBus, WACOSA Vans/Busses, etc.) per Federal requirement thru March 18, 2022.
We will continue to monitor CDC and MDH masking guidance and may reinstitute based on this. If an individual is experiencing symptoms, tests positive or has been exposed to COVID-19 we will continue following quarantine guidelines which includes masking.
WACOSA continues to recommend individuals become vaccinated and receive booster shots at the recommended time intervals. If you are at high risk for severe illness, talk to your healthcare provider about whether you need to wear a mask and take other precautions.
For additional information or any questions, please email