Changing lives one sale at a time.
When at ThriftWorks! you can shop with confidence knowing your donations not only stay local, but help to support adults with disabilities. Our trainees learn important social/emotional skills in addition to transferable employment skills in a retail setting that will prepare them for greater independence in our community.
About ThriftWorks!
All proceeds benefit WACOSA, whose mission is to provide individuals with disabilities the opportunity to work and live in their community. For a truly unique thrifting experience, stop in to see us. Don’t forget to bring in your gently used donations to our convenient drive-thru drop off and receive even more savings off our already great prices!
We Accept
All donations to ThriftWorks! may be tax deductible and proceeds benefit WACOSA programs in our
community. We need your gently used:
- Apparel & shoes
- Books, movies & games
- Toys
- Small household appliances
- Housewares
- Jewelry and accessories
- Linen & bedding
- Tools
- Furniture – please note, all furniture is subject to prior approval before accepting. We recommend emailing photos prior to bringing donations in. For questions or more information email info@wacosa.org.
- Not sure if your item is accepted? Ask an associate or email info@wacosa.org
We Do Not Accept
Sorry, we do not accept:
- Pick-up truck, trailers, or box trucks full of donations. (We greatly appreciate you thinking of us, but as a small store we can’t accept large loads of donations.)
- Items with garage sale stickers, tape, etc.
- Hazardous waste or items containing hazardous waste, such as: computers, VCRs, TVs, monitors,
- stereos, turntables, speakers, phones or answering machines
- Microwave ovens
- Medium and Large exercise equipment
- Large Medical equipment
- Mattresses or box springs
- Infant/child equipment: cribs, car seats, highchairs, pack ‘n plays, strollers, etc.
- Sleeper sofas
- Food
- Flammable products
- Weapons or explosives
- Construction materials
- Carpeting
- Any other non-resalable items
Waite Park store hours
310 Sundial Drive (just east of Crafts Direct)
Monday – Friday 10am to 6:30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm – Sundays Closed.
Monday – Friday 10am – 6:30pm or until full for day.
Saturday – 10am – 4pm or until full for day.
Sauk Centre donation drop off only
712 Lincoln Loop in Sauk Centre
Drop off at main entrance or drop box
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