Service Resources
Learn About Our ProgramsThriftWorks! & Opening Doors Employment Training Program
- “Opening Doors” is a course specifically designed to improve work skills for people with social-emotional and communication needs. The course is particularly helpful for people diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum.
- ThriftWorks! Employment Training Program will help you gain social and emotional intelligence skills in an authentic work environment.
- You can apply for admission to the program, which is designed to be a stepping stone to community competitive employment.
- ThriftWorks! Employment Training Program is time limited and lasts between 6 and 18 months, based on each person’s plan.
Senior Program
- WACOSA’s Senior Services are hosted at the Whitney Center in St. Cloud, MN.
- You will have the opportunity to connect with other seniors and stay active in your community.
- You can choose to volunteer through the RSVP program, participate in classes and crafts, or take day trips to a variety of events in our area.
To request a copy of updated 245D policies, please contact us by phone at 320-251-0087 or by email at

For more information please contact one of our Program Directors

Program Locations
We have multiple program locations. Find our contact information and interactive maps for each program location at the link below.
Program Services
We have programs that offer you a variety of employment and life enrichment activities to choose from in various settings in your community.