Free Autism Emergency Preparedness Training

This training is for Police Officers, EMTs, Firemen/women, paramedics, security workers, ER and trauma workers, crisis team members, social workers, correctional officers, school safety officers, bus drivers, etc. (POST CEUs and certificates of attendance will be...

Autism Supports, Strategies, and Resources Workshop

This workshop is for parents, caregivers, support professionals, and individuals with autism. This workshop is from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, October 26th, 2018 at the Sartell Community Center. General registration is $20, for people with ASD it is $15.  Lunch...
APH Cook-Off Raises More than $200k for WACOSA

APH Cook-Off Raises More than $200k for WACOSA

Automotive Parts Headquarters raised more than $200,000 for WACOSA during its annual chili cook-off. This the largest amount raised at the annual event hoseted by APH in partnership with more than 50 manufacturers’ representatives. A total of $203,000 was raised for...