WACOSA COVID-19 Update 06/24/2020

June 24, 2020 To:  All WACOSA staff and stakeholders From:  Steve Howard, Executive Director Re:  Service Update As we approach July 1, 2020, I...

WACOSA’s Introduction to Theater
WACOSA’s Introduction to Theater

We were dancers. We were singers. We were storytellers. We were ship captains, sports heroes and astronauts. We were happy, we were sad, we were...

WACOSA COVID-19 Update 06/10/2020

June 10, 2020 To:  All WACOSA staff and stakeholders From:  Steve H., Executive Director Re:  Initial re-establishment of services As has been our...

WACOSA COVID-19 Update 04/28/2020

April 28, 2020 To:  All WACOSA stakeholders From:  Steve Howard, Executive Director Re:  Check-in during the COVID-19 crisis As promised, we will...